Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Gender roles in advertising

  Gender roles in advertising


  • mother 
  • wife
  • object of desire
  • weak
  • socially needy
  • user
  • father 
  • husband
  • provider
  • strong
  • independent creator
the oldest saying in advertising is "sex sells" this basically means using the audiences gender to drive their responses to your campaign. through the use of "ideal self" models and celebrities, audience members are attracted to products as a result go there attraction to the image. The fragrance and fashion industry have rarely varied from this in their modern advertising.

  • ideal self - what someone desires hopes and wishes they are like.
  • intertextuality - the relationship between texts, mainly literary ones.
  • pastiche - imitate the style of an artist or work.
  • endorsement - approving a person or product.
  • call to action - a piece of content intended to induce a viewer, reader, or listener.


Volkswagen made a very stereotypical advert which is now banned of TV due to the severity, it included a mother doing the stereotypical job of making food cleaning and looking after the children whilst the dad was doing physical activities and working hard at work.

 Tasks I will need to produce the campaign materials:

  • Experimental videos and photos
  • gather feedback from client via emails
  • pre production planning including visualisation diagrams, mood board/mind maps, production schedule etc...
  • advertisment prototypes and mockups
  • Deadlines (end of may)
  • equipment (PC/computer, editing software, camera, lighting)
  • props/resources (people, fire truck and uniforms) 

Above The Line Advertising Methods - magazine, 

Below The Line Advertising Methods - flyers, social media, catalog, 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Target audience

 Target Age range between 18 – 45 this is because you must be at least 18 in order to apply and because the job is quite physically demanding the younger you are the better, people over 45 can also apply however my advertisements will target up to 45 as I believe people aged within this bracket are best suited to the job. I aim to target a range of Pamco ratings as there aren't really any limitations for joining. Both male and female of any ethnicity as there is no reason why anyone in these brackets wouldn't be suitable. The location of the people I target my advertisements towards may vary based on where you live since there are multiple stations across the country, finally interests that could be helpful may be sports since its quite physical but other than that it could be anything.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Evidence of contacting client

Derbyshire fire service recruitment video showcasing a career in saving life's. Protect and represent your local city/village/town.

Draft of Email to potential client:

Dear Anthony,
I am a sixth form media student currently attending UTC Sheffield city Centre, As part of my coursework I will need to complete an advertisement via either print, video or radio and was wondering if you would give me the opportunity to create you a free promotional advert for Derbyshire fire and rescue. You will not have to use the advertisement unless you would like too, In return all I ask is for feedback on the product. For further information you can contact me back via this email.

King regards, Louie Stirk

M3 - Codes and conventions

Codes and conventions Recruitment Video: Here you can see my video fits the codes and conventions of a similar recruitment video a they shar...