Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Legal and Ethical issues

 Legal issues:

  • Copyright - Protects the use of original IP
  • GDPR - Data leaks
  • L/S - (libel - writing something untrue about another person or organisation that negatively impacts them and slander - spoken false information about another person or organisation that may impact them negitevely.)
  • Obscene publications - showing unsuitable/explicit pictures
Ethical Issues:
  • Accepting gifts 
  • Models
(Only write about laws that apply to me)

How to avoid them being a problem:

An ethical issue I may experience or have to think about is the models which I feature in my advertisement, this may include gaining permission to show them in videos or pictures as well as how long they are featured and what is shown of them whether its there face or just a silhouette. This can be avoided by simply asking consent and maybe including written evidence that they have agreed to feature them in the promotion.

M3 - Codes and conventions

Codes and conventions Recruitment Video: Here you can see my video fits the codes and conventions of a similar recruitment video a they shar...