Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Production schedule

  • Pre Production - planning, organising resources, gathering talent, and skill.
  • Production - the 'making' of the product, capturing film, writing copy etc.
  • Post-Production - editing and testing with audiences.
Constraints/Issues when scheduling a media production
  • availability of talent
  • budget
  • time
  • equipment
  • location
  • other projects
  • weather
  • organisation
Production Scheduling
  • timescales - you have 2 weeks
  • deadlines - it is due to print on 28th of October
  • tasks - get the content, edit the poster, review content, add pictures
  • activities - take photos, write info for poster
  • resources - camera, printer, editing software/hardware
  • milestones - finish by.... , have this many customers....
  • contingencies - finish before schedule incase of errors

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Nike 'Just Do It', advertising campaign.

 Nikes 'Just Do It' advertising campaign was launched in 1988 and was highly successful. As other sporting brands such as Reebok directed their advertisements at aerobatics, whereas Nike took a harsher 'take no prisoners' AD which motivated viewers more than any of the other generic adverts due to it showing an old 80 year old man on a run making the audience feel as if he can do surely we can.


The advert was shown mainly on TV and the "Just Do It' phrase came to be Nikes slogan due to it being a huge success with sales going from $877 million to $9.2 billion in worldwide sales.


Nike also took advantage of the corona pandemic in order to advertise their brand even further in the public domain, using their nike tick as a mask in order to promote the use of one but also strategically incorporating there 'Just Do It' slogan. 

They did this due to knowing they would benefit financially and also gain respect from the public for promoting health and hygiene.


  • connotation - an idea or a feeling that is created by a word 
  • denotation - the literal meaning of something in contrast to what it looks like or how you interpret it
  • demographic - the statistical characteristics of people (age, income, gender)
  • iconography - a particular range of images to convey particular meanings/things
  • branding - the promotion of a particular product or company


  • Doesn't require organisation
  • non-linear structure
  • helps build and expand on ideas
  • easy to create
  • requires no specialist knowledge


types of briefs can dictate how you work with the client to produce the product.
  • contractual -  production company goes into a legally binding contract with the client which if they'd not meet the requirements there can be legal repercussions.
  • negotiated - this is a co-operative brief given to two or more media companies working on the same project. This makes any issues easier to solve as they can discuss together and solve it together.
  • informal - often verbal only, it is where the client and the media agency they have employed discuss the requirements and agree on the project for the product however this is often not recorded or written down.
  • tender - this is where the client will advertise their brief and a media production company will bring together a proposal that they will pitch to the client. This will usually happen with multiple companies which the client will then get to pick from.
  • formal - this is when a production company is given by the client who outlines what they want to be made. This type of brief only gives enough information to be able to produce the product, any issues or information that the media company would like to go over can be discussed during the negotiations with the client.
Informal as its only your mates band so has most likely only been discussed about and not written down

Advantage 1 - it is not fixed so it would be easy to contact the production company to make changes as there is also no time frame for it being completed.

Advantage 2 - most likely quite cheap as this type of brief is usually used for smaller less important projects and you have creative freedom due to there being no specific requirements.

Disadvantage 1 - not the most specific and no details are recorded so it is easier to make mistakes.

Disadvantage 2 - lacks specialisation so the result may not be up to the standards you wanted.

M3 - Codes and conventions

Codes and conventions Recruitment Video: Here you can see my video fits the codes and conventions of a similar recruitment video a they shar...