Sunday, June 9, 2024

Gaining feedback

 Recruitment Video

I collected 18 responses for my recruitment video and I think the feedback was generally very positive. The question regarding the length of the video got the lowest rating at 4.06 out of 5 however I am still pleased with  this, I understand why some people may have thought the video was too short as it was under a minute but I was aiming to create a short video that wouldn't lose the viewers interest and i feel as so I effectively did so.

Recruitment Poster

I gathered 11 responses and once again I am happy with the feedback I received in response to my poster especially since the results show it reached a varied range of ages as I intended it too, furthermore the composition of the poster got a rating of 4.18 which I feel is good and there was no ratings below a 3. Finally 70% of the people said they would either definitely view the poster or at least consider it which I'm pleased with as I don't think 100% would ever say yes no matter what the poster involved or how good it was.

Web Banner

The response for my banner was positive with an average if 4 star rating for colours and graphics as well as 12 people saying they would take the time to view the banner. There wasn't really anything i would consider negative so i am happy with the result. 

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