Monday, June 10, 2024

Evidence of editing and development poster


I started my poster prior to taking my own images so sourced the ones you can see from the internet just so I could gain a insight into what my poster may look like with my own image included, the white bars you can see where intended to contain information about the fore service etc. They all doubled as looking like a ladder which is commonly associated with the fire service.

Next I added the information into the white bars, the numbers are the number to contact Derbyshire fire and rescue and on the left is a statement/rhetorical question asking 'Do You Have What It Takes?" which I feel evokes the audience to try and prove themselves. Finally I added the Derbyshire fire & rescue logo in the top right just as a graphic which fits with the magazine conventions.

After taking my own photos I picked this specific one from my shoot, I used this as its simple clear and clearly associated with the fire service, I slightly increased the brightness and contrast to hopefully make it pop out a bit more than before.

To finish my Poster off I adde my own image along side the fire and created a rough edge look between each image to almost portray either side of the battle. The last part of the poster I added was a statement "Join the team" and the sub writing which makes the audience feel as so they can join a service who work together to save livesI felt was very important and brought it all together, the final bit was the link to the Derbyshire fire service website so they could read up further information.


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